As this is a practical course which involves internal examinations, participants usually must be willing and able to have vaginal examinations performed on them by fellow attendees. By using peer-to-peer learning, participants gain vital learning on how it feels to be a patient, as well as a health professional, ensuring you gain well rounded experiential learning. This course allows people of all genders an opportunity to learn from each other and gain vital, practical clinical skills.
However, we are aware that peer-to-peer learning in some health professions is not the 'norm'. We will accommodate this and will have advanced silicone vaginal models that realistically simulate conditions such as LAM avulsion, POP stages, visualization of the cervix, etc and enable pessary fitting.
There are limited places allocated on the course for participants who have valid reasons for not being a patient model on the course but want to practice on other course participants with their consent. Valid reasons not to be a patient model include: First trimester pregnancy, high risk pregnancy, active vaginal infection, and no anatomical vagina.
If you are unable to or unwilling to be a patient model on the course for your peers, or you wish just to use the silicone model for practicals, please contact Melissa at [email protected] prior to registration for the course. This will enable Melissa to balance out the needs of all participants in advance of the course starting.
Your request will be treated confidentially and if granted, at the course no details will be given to other participants as to why you are not being a model for peer-to-peer learning.
- Tessa, Physiotherapist
- Sara, Physiotherapist
- Rebecca, Physiotherapist
- Christina, GP
- Glenn, Osteopath
- Eileen, Physiotherapist, Australia
- Kat, Physiotherapist
- Natalie, Physiotherapist
There will be practical assessments during the course testing clinical assessment skills learned on the weekend to ensure at the end of the course you are competent. These are completed throughout the weekend and done in a relaxed, comfortable fashion. You will need to pass these assessments to complete the course.
A post-course test and evaluation will need to be completed immediately after the one-day course. There will also be competency documentation that needs to be completed over six months prior to you receiving your completion certificate.
Earlybird special: $695 including GST for the one-day course. Available until 31 March 2025.
Full course fee: $745 including GST for the one-day course. From 1 April 2025.
Preferential booking for people on the waiting list opens on 11 January. And course registrations will be open to all from 20 January. We'll email you to let you know.